Operator model
Description/added value
Water is becoming more and more valuable. This development is becoming noticeable thru the constant increasing costs for water supply and discharge. The fact that continuously new, partly very complex, water treatment technologies are pushed into the market makes it very difficult for outsider to know the actual state of the art and the most cost-effective technology.
A continuous changing legislation also supports the uncertainty in the field of water discharge in a company. The following questions are often left unanswered:
- How safe are my technologies for the water treatment?
- What are exactly the costs?
- How complex are operation and maintenance in detail?
- What influence has the water treatment to the cost calculation?
Our service
We compile a plant configuration tailored to your needs including:
- creation of the infrastructure (such as service and waste disposal line) for the plants
- execution of investments at adequate duration
- contracting at different versions, such as commission depending on the amount of the treated water with a fixed prise per cubic meter
Your advantages
- concentration on your core business
- reliable and safe water supply/disposal at highest quality levels
- no necessity investments
- no extensive and expensive maintenance costs
- no qualified and expensive expert staff necessary
- high cost transparency